Now that the Seattle International Comedy Competition is over, people wanted more comedy, so we are The Best of the San Francisco Comedy Competition is hitting the road and headed to Kelso with three outstanding acts, Milt Abel, Kevin Shea and Simon Kaufman.
Milt AbelMilt Abel’s style of stand-up comedy is clean, clever, and funny. His humor has always been devoid of stereotypes, cheap shots, or laughter at anyone’s expense; in other words , never divisive or derisive. With material focusing on everyday experiences about his wife and kids, travels, and how we relate to the world around us; audiences always come away feeling good about how they chose to laugh.
Kevin Shea
Kevin SheaKevin Shea is a Los Angeles based comedian and actor. Not trying to become the typical Asian comic Kevin strayed away from Korean accents based on their mothers’, plus his mom is a honkey. He concentrated on developing his own style which has said to be very laid back and fresh. With his unique style and jokes, he caught the eyes of Hollywood and was invited to the prestigious Montreal Comedy Festival.
Simon Kaufman
Simon KauffmanSimon Kaufman was a performer in the 2023 Seattle International Comedy Competition.
Simon’s performances are a form of social commentary on society. Taking a stoic philosophical viewpoint towards his life. Simon’s stand up act is like an orator standing in the Forum of Ancient Rome using his humor as a means of speaking to his fellow countrymen as the empire declines.