Night One Outdrew the Debates!

Night One Outdrew the Debates!
Top Five: Montalvo: San Francisco Comedy Competition

The first night for the Semifinals of the 2024 San Francisco Comedy Competition and it’s selling better than the next show tomorrow night. I guess America is ready to go out and laugh. And laugh they did. It was a really good show.

Six people made the Top Five, which sounds incorrect, but we had a tie at fourth place and we like to announce the top five. So here is the Top Five.

The Top Five

  1. Frankie Marcos
  2. Dan Aguinaga
  3. Irene Sango
  4. Xander Beltran – (Tie)
    Mike Freedman – (Tie)
  5. Shaheen Khal

Next up is right where we started. We are doing another show at the Montalvo Arts Center. Come check it out, it is a really great show.

Wally Glenn is best known for wearing a tin foil hat along with his cat and has become the default image for conspiracy theories.