Xander Beltran

Originating from Southern California, Oakland comic Xander Beltran loves days at the beach, burritos, and great craft beer, but he can’t afford any of them. Being half-White and half-Mexican (like Taco Bell) he offers a unique perspective on the world and an uncanny ability to get people to chill out and figure out a way to get along.
Making friends wherever he goes, Xander spends time in all sorts of scenes and hangouts and is able to portray these worlds vividly through insightful storytelling and observational comedy. His laid-back delivery, character creation, impressions and animated act-outs make for incredible comedy.
He currently operates out of San Francisco and performs all over the country. He’s opened for Dean Delray, Eric Schwartz, Morgan Jay, Nick Hoff, Erica Rhodes, Jeff Dye, Deon Cole, Jamie Kennedy, Erik Griffin, Zoltan Kaszas and Kel Mitchell. Xander won the 2018 Cobb’s Comedy Competition, was a Finalist at the 2019 House of Comedy’s Funniest Person W/ A Day Job contest, a contestant in the prestigious SF International Comedy Competition and he’s been a featured performer at Big Pine Comedy Festival, Savage Henry Festival and Oakland Comedy Festival.
He’s been featured in Big Pine, Oakland, Savage Henry and Ventura Comedy Festivals. He’s been seen on Hulu, PBS and his debut special with Tiny Pony has amassed 40k+ views in 2 months. He’s had multiple clips go viral and is quickly becoming one of the West Coast’s top rising comedians. Come for his beautiful hair and stay to see how long into his set he starts sweating.